Over the past few decades, rapid urbanization has persisted. As small rural communities merge into larger urban cities, cultural identity gradually diminishes over time. Our mission is to raise awareness and bring back cultural traditions to our community, fostering a stronger sense of cultural identity and pride. By encouraging and empowering young individuals to embrace curiosity, we aim to inspire them to explore and celebrate the rich diversity of cultures present.


  • Encourage individuals to explore diversity with an open and curious mind

  • Campaign for awareness and cultural diversity

  • Fosters curiosity towards different cultures 

  • Engage audiences by showcasing unique characteristics of diverse cultures

  • Bring awareness to modern audiences about cultural traditions

  • Foster a pride in cultural identity


Project Descriptions

We publish blogs to share our personal expieriences with cultural diversity, sharing about unique cultural characteristics and encouraging exploration. We hope to doccument our expieriences in to inspire others to do their same.



We want to inspire the younger generation to embrace and appreciate traditional cultures and heritage. Despite the potential for a homogenized global culture, we wish to empower young minds to be more connected to their rich cultural roots.